Spiritual Disciplines To Consider In 2024

Undoubtedly & as each year unfolds, most people if not all make goals . Just as we make resolutions as it concerns every other sphere of life, we must do same with the spiritual life, not leaving it to chance.

It’s not enough to make wishes but we must go a step further to fragment and create actionable plans.

These are spiritual disciplines you could consider as you navigate through the year.

1)Reading through the whole Bible:

I remember going through a textbook for an exam 3 times within 6 months while preparing for my Nigerian medical licensing exam.

Consider reading through the whole Bible.

I was reminded about this at the time I started reading through the Bible in 2022 which spanned till the end of 2023.

I have started another trial at the beginning of the year & here I am encouraging you to jump on the trend too.

2)Praying at a specific time everyday:

A way to build spiritual stamina is to make the decision to pray and to really pray. Fix a specific time, if possible, a specific place. This shouldn’t stop praying in the spirit through the whole day or spontaneity in prayers.

Share the good-news with some others.

3)Sharing the Good-news with others:

Salvation isn’t just an end. It’s important we share of the joy of having a relationship with God with others. Share your own testimony. Share the love of Christ. No rigid way about it. Just get started & God will grant you wisdom. Evangelism has always been central to propagating the gospel & it will always be. No thanks to contemporary gospel that just pushes living out the life as the only thing to do. We must GO.

Give to the poor & less privileged.

4)Reaching out to the less privileged financially:

Jesus went about doing good. You don’t have to be a Philanthropist to be a giver. All that is needed is sensitivity to the needs of people around you. Give of the abundance of the many things you have. Designate a percentage of your income to reaching out to the needy around you.

You might want to see this MY FEARS

5)A consistent devotional or quiet time:

This wouldn’t jump on us. We need to create routines and systems around it. Stumbled on a video where a man says whenever he unlocks his phone, he gets to read a verse before starting anything. Set alarms. Engage disciplines like- No Bible, no food.

We must place premium priority to having a thriving personal altar .

Have a conversation with your partner

6)To stop having premarital sex:

Yeah, this is a spiritual goal to consider as a Christian. Regardless of contemporary or cultural outlooks, premarital sex separates one from having a thriving relationship with God & one of the ways you can choose to honor God this year is to stop it. Have a conversation with your partner about it, make the resolve & see how the Holy spirit begins to whisper systems to maintain chastity to you.

7)Joining the workforce:

A flex in contemporary spirituality is to be saved & maintain the cool. Sounds like a convenient thing anyone would want but that isn’t God’s own plan.

He’s given unto us the ministry of reconciliation so we can serve in the local capacity in the end that others come to be reconciled just as we were.

He’s strategically put in place systems that fosters spiritual growth & plugging oneself into it is one of the ways to live a life of purpose.

Sieve your music playlist

You might want to read this ALL I FIND

8)Listening to only edifying songs:

Hard, hard! But it’s something you should really consider. Unedifying songs dampen the soul. The lyrics weaken spiritual resolve. It mocks the fabric of faith. You can consider making that decision to sieve your music list to having only edifying songs.

10)Read a spiritual book every month:

There are quite a number of resources we are blessed with in this dispensation and the vast array of spiritual books is one of them. you could decide to invest in one every month & you’ll certainly be better for it. Please, this shouldn’t replace reading the Bible by & for yourself.

11)Being established in a local church:

You can choose to bid church adultery a bye. You really need to be established in a local church and grow. Never underestimate the place of communities. Belonging to a community would strengthen your faith in quantifiable ways. By staying established in a local church, you’d find spiritual & ministerial footing.

Connect with other believers.

12)To meet, connect & foster relationships with godly minds:

You can make the decision to connect with godly minds online & physically. Unfollow pages that stifle spiritual consecration, follow godly pages. Connect with the brothers & sisters in Church .


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